Mark of the Ninja Wiki

JAlbor JAlbor 29 March 2013

GDC 2013: Mark of the Ninja and the Five Genre Heresies

Wikia is at the 2013 Game Developers Conference. Today we have put on our shadow-suit, stalked through air vents, and made our way into a talk by Lead Designer Nels Anderson on designing Mark of the Ninja. Check out the highlights and insights below.

On Mark of the Ninja, Anderson and the team intentionally took a lot of risks, and they paid off. That being said, it's also a game that exists firmly within the stealth genre. The importance of genre, as Anderson sees is, is that "creators can communally explore an idea" and offer "shorthand for players" to understand core game ideas.

Of course, genre is a double-edged sword. Genre can also output boring tropes. It could become "the same set of ideas, over and over again," and target the same g…

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JAlbor JAlbor 25 March 2013

GDC 2013: Mark of the Ninja Almost an Action Game

Wikia is at the 2013 Game Developers Conference, and a talk by Jeff Agala and Jamie Cheng of Klei Entertainment revealed some of the creative processes behind the creation of the amazing Indie Ninja Game.

The primary goal for the team going into Mark of the Ninja? Avoid creating so much development "insanity". As Jamie Cheng stated, Shank was a tipping point with the amount of stress development created: "I see that as a failure. We can do better."

The fix? Figuring out early, and through rapid testing, when "you're in the wrong forest." Klei put great effort into cutting out features before they became bogged down in them. Early on in the development process, the company added so many combat mechanics into the game, they almost decided to m…

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